Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Should it be legal to kill unborn children because some children are born addicted to drugs?

At the Washington Post's On Faith web site, public broadcast reporter Martha Woodroof has a column on abortion which asks, "Is abortion always wrong?"

Woodroof doesn't believe it is and doesn't think religious people are right for being opposed to abortion. Her "reasoning?"

Drug-addicted babies exist.
Shouldn't right-to-lifers have the moral right to talk in terms of "God saying" and "God wanting" and "God thinking" about unwanted babies only after they, themselves, have stood beside one that's been born addicted or brain-damaged in some new born intensive care unit and realistically considered that particular baby's future? Of course, a black-and-white, conservative religious approach to morality is more comfortable than a NICU approach, but surely our own comfort doesn't mean we can claim moral righteousness at a safe remove from reality.......

Which leads me back to my original question: Is abortion always wrong?

Before you answer yes, go to a NICU and spend some time with an abandoned, addicted baby. Are you willing to take that baby home? And if you're not, then who are you to say that God, humanity's engine of love and compassion, demands that all babies have to be born?

Let's now listen to Larry, an advocate of spousal abuse, use the same line of "thinking" to defend spousal abuse.
Is spousal abuse always wrong?

Before you answer yes, go a woman's shelter and spend some time with a victim of spousal abuse. Are you willing to marry that woman? And if you're not, then who are you to say that God, humanity's engine of love and compassion, demands that all wives shouldn't be beaten.

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